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6 Things to Do on Your Business Page on Facebook


Putting your business on Facebook is not just a necessity. It is a norm. Every popular company you can think of runs a business page on Facebook. They do it simply because everyone else is doing it and absence on a social media giant is a huge setback.

There are other important reasons why businesses put up a page. They want to interact with their audience. They want to know what their audience think. Having social media channels is a starting point for social media and influencer marketing. But what should you do on Facebook?

1. Engage with your followers


The most important activity to do on your business page whether on Facebook or Instagram is to talk to your audience. Your followers want you to talk to them most of the time. This is an implicit truth. There’s a psychological basis for this. We gravitate towards places where we get attention, where people talk to us, where people take our concerns seriously. So make your audience feel that you know their experiences and you care about their concerns.

Four in every five of your posts should be for your audience. The other one is for your brand. So for every post dedicated to self-promotion, you should have four posts that are for and about your audience. You get much more engagement on the four posts than on the self-promoting and quasi-advertising post.

An additional tip here is to make calls to action. Sometimes the best way to encourage people to say something is to ask them questions and seek their opinion. Ask them to share relevant experiences. We know some pages that sometimes ask their followers to post selfies of them using their products. It works.

2. Get feedback

Local business pages can ask for testimonials and reviews from their customers. Since you most likely run a local business or a local branch, it’s a smart idea to make use of this feature. Remind your followers they can leave reviews about your place or brand. Reviews will aggregate over time, and you will eventually know what people think and feel about your product or service. The reviews eventually guide brand development and marketing plans.

Exploit the power of polls on Facebook. Polling your followers is the easiest and quickest way to determine what they think about certain things. You can ask just about anything. This can help you make plans for future events. It can also help you figure out what they like about your brand, thus giving you insights in plans for improving your products or services. Make use of the this feedback tool to learn more about your audience.


3. Read comments

Are you reading the comments your followers leave on your posts? You should! We know many entrepreneurs don’t. Maybe you have a social media assistant that does all the moderation of Facebook comments, but you’re missing a lot when you don’t get to read the comments yourself. In those warm messages of appreciation as well as biting criticism, you’ll get to know what your customers think, not just about your brand, but also about your ideas and plans. What they collectively think is an important driver of your business.

4. Respond!

You respond to as many relevant comments and messages as you can to show courtesy and especially to show that you care. From a marketing standpoint, the purpose of responding to your audience is to build rapport and relationships. In marketing — and business in general — building connections should be one of your primary goals. Be closer to your audience. Appear approachable and friendly. That’s one of the reasons people will come back to your channels. Show kindness and they’ll be more considerate and they may just help you carry your brand’s message across.

5. Share content

Most of your Facebook followers only rely on content you post on the page. Some may go to your blog or website, but you can’t count on most of them to do the same. For them it’s a waste of time. They don’t think it’s worth the additional work to leave Facebook for a while to check out your landing page. That’s why we recommend that you modify content for Facebook. You can’t write too much. You can’t post a long video. But you can share the most important bits. In fact, if you intrigue them enough, get them wondering just enough that they actually become eager to check out the longer post.

Remember, every time you post something, you’re giving your brand a chance to be recognized through your authority. You may not be an expert in your niche. But you can share solutions and info that your audience don’t know. That’s how they tune in to you. So grab that chance to educate, guide, and advise them. There are other reasons to invest in quality content for your social media channels like Facebook.

Great content has a high likelihood of getting passed around. If you’re lucky, you may just catch the attention of notable authority figure in your niche. When people more popular than you share your post, it’s an achievement. Suddenly, you have followers pouring in and curious people checking out your page. This is why writing quality content is an important initiative in influencer marketing.


6. Offset negative reviews

You can’t control what appears in Google search results, but you can control your business page. This is where you can explain yourself, because your followers may be wondering why you have bad feedback that’s visible on SERPs. Bad reviews aren’t your end. They are your opportunities to grow. Just don’t let bad reviews go unnoticed. Keep producing good content to neutralize negative feedback. Take note that a solid Facebook page can be seen on the search results.

Let’s get this one thing straight. Facebook remains a powerhouse whether you’re into social media marketing or traditional advertising. It’s also hard to imagine content marketing or influencer marketing without the social media giant.