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7 Expert Tips to Find out if Your Content Marketing Is Working for You


Writing has been a basic part of marketing. Again, it’s hard to imagine marketing without articles, press releases, descriptions, landing pages, and blog posts. The purpose of writing is to get people to read something so that they learn about the solutions and information you can offer. When they love what you write, they will find out more about you and along the way they learn about your brand and may become your customers. That’s the purpose of content marketing in a nutshell.

Content marketing is one of the tiny slices of your business operations where you invest money, human resource, and time in. It’s a crucial recipe of your entire digital marketing menu and affects other areas, such as social media and influencer marketing. That means you should find out if your money is working for you and doing your brand any good.

ONE: Keep tracking your audience

We start with an audience in mind. You think you’re selling to teens, and you head off taking that idea with you. That means much of your marketing material is geared towards teenagers. A year into your business, it turns out more of your customers are young adults in their 20s. That means you have a bulk of people who think differently and have a different buying behavior.

Looking at the demographic data of your audience and customers is important. It guides your marketing plan. It allows you to adjust your approach. The mistake is to think you’ll have the same set of audience forever.

TWO: See if you’re satisfying your goals

You began your content marketing with a goal. Common goals are to provide brand exposure and create brand awareness, to provide solutions to your audience, generate leads, and eventually generate conversion. Generating content is also necessary for social media marketing, influencer marketing, email marketing, and even digital advertising. Finding out whether goals are met at the end of your allotted time frame ensures whether your efforts are paying off. Are you creating more brand awareness? Are more people talking about your brand? Do people come to your website to look for solutions?

THREE: Identify the best times to post content

It’s a tragedy if after several months you still have no idea when the ideal posting times are, when most people are active, and where most engagement happens. You have to start monitoring from day 1. Otherwise, you’re leaving your success to luck. When you’re investing time, money, and energy in something, relying on chance is a terrible decision. By identifying the times when most engagement and shares happen, you’re maximizing your chance at success.

FOUR: Furnish content regularly

You might have been told to post daily or weekly or three times a week. You probably got different advice from different specialists. It’s like how many times you should post on your social media channels or when you should post. In reality, there is no one-fits-all advice. Every business is different. You have a unique set of audience, and you have to monitor the right frequency of generating content. Your strategy and goals also determine how often you should write for your customers.

FIVE: Assess content promotion techniques

Content may be king, but it’s as good as its promotion. A great piece that never sees the light remains great only on its own accord. If no one sees it, it’s a useless tool in digital marketing. This is why we have to promote the articles we write. This is possible through a few tested and proven measures, mostly relying on the power of search engines and social media. How do you know if you’re promoting your content correctly? Look at engagement and traffic. If you get people to talk about it and share it around, you’re doing fine. If you get people to check out your blog or site, you’re doing it right.

SIX: Monitor the viability of keywords

Are people still finding your brand using the set of keywords you originally utilized for search engines? Do your keywords reflect the current drift in your niche? Let’s be realistic about this. If you’ve been around for a while, you’ll notice changes in the way people find you. As much as you had hoped people would get to see you using the old keywords or phrases, you have to be pragmatic enough to understand how changes in consumer behavior and trends cause a drift in keywords. That is why you have to monitor the effectiveness of your keywords, and this is true whether you’re doing content marketing, search engine marketing, or paid advertising. At some point, you may have to let go of obsolete keywords and invest in new ones people are using.

SEVEN: Coordinate content with other aspects of digital marketing

A smart marketer looks at the bigger picture and sees if each section of their overall digital marketing is working to enhance the other sections. They say content is king. We sometimes say it’s the heart of marketing. We just could not imagine marketing without it. Content marketing is integrated in search engine, social media, email, and influencer marketing. All these things must work together to advance your brand.